
A brief primer on a few unusual acrylic painting techniques

A brief primer on a few unusual acrylic painting techniques Unlike watercolor or oil painting, acrylic painting is a medium that is so flexi... thumbnail 1 summary
A brief primer on a few unusual acrylic painting techniques

Unlike watercolor or oil painting, acrylic painting is a medium that is so flexible that you needn't be a classical master to create great works of art. The beauty of acrylics, as a medium, lies in the versatility afforded by the quick drying of the paints, the ability to layer colors, create textures and introduce transparent effects within minutes.

Working in oils requires a great deal of patience, as oils may take months to dry before a new layer may be applied to the canvas. Watercolor painting relies on a perfect first stroke it cannot be undone. Working in oils and watercolor demand that you get it right the first time. Acrylic painting techniques give you considerable latitude and an opportunity to experiment, as you work with the paint. Acrylic paints dry so quickly that your imagination is not left waiting for the next stroke. Acrylic painting techniques provide you with the freedom to ad lib, working spontaneously in the moment of your creativity.

Let's take a look at some of the basic acrylic painting techniques and the ways in which you can create beautiful works of art, to give as gifts, or use in your own home.

Acrylic paints are available in tubes and jars, and quite inexpensive when compared with oil paints. Acrylic paints may be diluted with water or any of the clear acrylic mediums, such as gel, paste and matte or glossy water-based 'varnishes'. What materials are accepting of acrylic paints? The list is nearly endless. Paper, canvas, flowerpots, glass, metal, wood, paper mache all of these are candidates.

Here are just a few of the advantages of acrylic painting techniques over oil painting techniques:

You'll seldom be using the acrylic paint at full strength. Diluting the paint with small amounts of water, or one of the acrylic mediums, allows you to create a variety of effects which add depth, texture and a mixture of finishes, all with the same color base. For example, if you're painting a vine of leaves, you can begin with a simple wash of diluted green to sketch in the basic outline. Acrylics, especially in a wash, dry thoroughly within minutes. You can then follow up with your base color, adding a touch of yellow or blue to the mix, to create areas of light on the individual leaves. Using the diluted acrylics to create each layer produces a transparent effect, such that each leaf appears to have natural depth.

One of the coolest of acrylic painting techniques involves integrating natural 'found' materials and objects into your painting. For example, let's say you're doing an abstract which conveys the feel of a tide pool. You can wash the entire canvas of varying shades of blues and greens, in multiple layers. When the paint is dry, sketch in irregularly shaped 'pools' in a clear matte acrylic. Quickly sprinkle the areas with natural sand there's no need to be precise in placement. The sand will stick only to the wet medium. When the clear medium has dried, tilt the canvas and the remainder of the sand will simply fall off. You can do the same with tiny sand dollars or seashells, applying glue to the undersides of the shells before placing them on your canvas.

Other interesting found objects include flat flowers, such as nasturtiums or morning glories, thin leaves from your garden and tiny pine cones. You'll be surprised at the number of objects you can enhance your paintings with, once you begin looking.

Another of the fun acrylic painting techniques is to use India ink to outline features of the finished work. This can be an effective way to define abstract shapes which suggest real objects, such as a face, the silhouette of a tree, or clouds. India ink may also be used to create borders or bands, such as might be desirable when painting a flowerpot.

Use the paste acrylic medium to create three dimensional areas. This technique can make a portrait come alive!

The best way to discover dozens of acrylic painting techniques is through experimentation. Acrylics are very forgiving to work with, as 'mistakes' may be simply painted over and reworked. Cleanup is a breeze. Acrylics are so easy and versatile a medium, it's hard not to get hooked on this hobby.