Cancer is so ubiquitous in modern society that it seems we are supposed to know all about it - but no one bothers to take the time to explain it. For example, I didn't know anything about breast cancer until it invaded my family. If I had known just a few things about breast cancer, we might have been ready. Cancer is scary, but the greatest weapon against fear is knowledge. Here are some basic facts about breast cancer, about breast cancer risks and prevention, and finally, about breast cancer treatment.
Cancer takes place at a cellular level. Normal cells divide and grow at a normal pace, but cancer is a out-of-control growth of cells in such a way that they form tumors and take over the organ that they are found in. Breast cancer is especially dangerous. Breast cancer can easily spread to other organs nearby, such as the lungs or the heart.
There are several risks to breast cancer, and sadly, for some of them, nothing can be done. Still knowing about breast cancer risks that cannot be reduced, such as age and family history is still useful. Knowing about these risks will help you understand if additional preventative and detection methods are needed. Other risks you can control are diet, weight and alcohol usage. Aiming to maintain a healthy diet is crucial to breast cancer risk reduction.
The key to finding about breast cancer in yourself is with a breast self-exam. The key about breast cancer self-exams is not necessarily to find lumps or tumors, but to familiarize yourself with your breasts. In this way, a regular breast self-exam is extremely useful in finding any unusual changes in your breasts, which may or may not be lumps. Finally, mammograms should be regularly attended on a yearly basis after the age of 40. Both of these things will help with early detection. Early detection is key to successful treatment.
Treatments for breast cancer include surgery - wherein the tumor or growth or surgically removed. The extreme form of surgery is a complete removal of one or both of the breasts. Other treatment options about breast cancer include radiation therapy as well as chemotherapy, where chemicals that have defeated cancer cells are introduced in your blood system. All of these treatment options carry their own benefits and risks a serious conversation with your physician about breast cancer treatment options is of the utmost importance.
Knowing about breast cancer and reducing your risks is crucial in this world to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Knowing about breast cancer treatments will help you make the right choice in consultation with your physician.