
Finding an Accurate Horoscope

Its easy to find an accurate horoscope on the internet. All you have to do is find the site with the most vague, general, open-ended prognos... thumbnail 1 summary
Its easy to find an accurate horoscope on the internet. All you have to do is find the site with the most vague, general, open-ended prognostications. Then at least some of them are bound to come true.

This is the problem with horoscopes, and fortune telling in general. The more specific the predictions get, the less likely they are to come true.

Let me give you an example. Im a proud Leo. So I do a quick Google search and find a site which claims to offer the most accurate horoscope on the web. I check out the week ahead for Leo. It tells me: You will experience frustration at the workplace. A project does not go according to plan. In love, you will feel satisfied and fulfilled with your situation. Look for some surprise good fortune, possibly related to finances, late in the week.

As my week progresses, Im finding my horoscope to be eerily accurate! At work, a deal with a client falls through just as my horoscope said; things did not go according to plan and I feel frustrated. My long-term boyfriend and I are enjoying a period of happiness with no conflict or issues, therefore the part about my love life being satisfying has proved to be true. Now my increasingly accurate horoscope has promised financial good fortune, and look! On Friday I buy a lottery ticket and win five dollars. I have just found the most accurate horoscope in the world!

Of course, about one twelfth of people in the world are Leos like me. Did they all have the exact same week I had? That seems impossible. But when I examine that supposedly accurate horoscope a little more carefully, it occurs to me that almost anyone could make the events of her life conform to those predictions.

I mean, what if the deal at work had gone through as planned? Maybe another lioness, working at another office, went to make herself some coffee and found that the office was out of milk and cream? Frustrating! Not going according to plan! So far, so accurate. This hypothetical other Leo doesnt have a boyfriend. Shes not even dating. But when she looks at the so-called accurate horoscope, she can honestly say, Why yes, I am satisfied and fulfilled with my situation. I love being single! Later in the week, her surprise good fortune could come in any number of forms. Anything positive that happens to her from Wednesday through Saturday can make that prediction turn out to be true.

The truth is that almost any prediction can seem accurate, if it is unspecific enough. In that sense, an accurate horoscope is a very easy thing to find.