Its hard to know the right price for buying and selling action figures. Some collectors amass and trade action figures as a hobby, seeking to buy low, sell high and make a profit. Others are just looking to offload that cardboard box full of childhood toys they found hidden away up in the attic. Either way, they must do some research using an action figure price guide to know the correct market value of the items they are trying to sell.
There are many ways to price an action figure. Your local book store carries several price guides. You can also subscribe to a magazine which publishes an action figure price guide monthly. Or, you can search online for a price guide. Any of these resources will provide you with useful information about the value of any given toy or action figure.
Just keep in mind a few important caveats when using an action figure price guide.
First of all, prices for collectibles can fluctuate wildly in a very short span of time. A figure which is hugely popular and selling for hundreds of dollars today, might cost less than its original packaged price tomorrow. So be careful when using an action figure price guide, and keep in mind that even a price guide which is published monthly may contain out-of-date information.
Another factor to keep in mind is that the prices of collectible action figures are never set in stone. They depend entirely on demand, and can vary by location and time of year. So just because your action figure price guide indicates that your Boba Fett figure is worth a certain amount, doesnt mean that youll necessarily find a buyer who is willing to pay that amount. In the end, the toy is worth as little or as much as a buyer is willing to spend on it.
That is why, generally speaking, your best and most accurate action figure price guide is often an online auction site such as Ebay. If you have an action figure or set that youre looking to sell, dont just turn to the published price guides. Look the item up on Ebay and see what price other sellers are getting for the same toy. Be careful, though. Dont focus on asking prices or minimum bids. Dont assume that similar action figures will sell for the same amount. Find the exact action figure that you want to sell (or buy). If no-one is selling that exact item, find one thats as similar as possible. Then see what buyers are actually willing to pay for it.
In the end, no action figure price guide can tell you how much an action figure means to you. So trust your instincts, and use the published price guides for information and assistance. Dont part with a toy for less than its worth to you personally.