These days, getting into college is harder than ever, with more students competing for precious spots at the top schools. Simply having a high GPA and strong test scores is often not enough to guarantee admission to your college or university of choice. Candidates must distinguish themselves from a large pool of hopeful applicants, many of whom have numbers that look as good or better than yours. This is where an excellent admission essay can really make the difference.
Many students mistakenly believe that the college admission essay is a less important aspect of a college application, secondary to those all-important statistics like grades and test scores. But this is not entirely true. Admissions officers at the top university are looking for students who can excel in college, who will make their institution look good through high achievement. Grades, standardized test scores and extra curricular activities can give them a sense of what kind of student you will be. But they are not perfect predictors. When choosing among many highly qualified applicants, the admissions people are looking for someone who stands out. They often turn to the college admission essay to learn more about those intangible qualities which make one student excel above the others.
So when writing an admission essay, keep in mind your primary goal. The purpose of the college application essay is to present yourself as someone who will contribute positively to the school. You must set yourself apart from the scores of other hopefuls. You must clearly outline in your application essay why you are unique, special and destined to succeed.
Be sure to include personal details in your admission essay. Tell a story about your life, one that will grab the attention of the reader and remain in his or her memory. The last thing you want is for your application essay to be forgettable.
One college applicant I know wrote an essay about a terrible car accident she suffered, which required her to undergo months of physical rehabilitation. Another great admission essay I read told about the students struggle to adapt after immigrating to the United States from Korea. You may not believe you have an interesting story to tell, but the truth is you probably do. Think of something challenging and character-building that happened to you, and use your application essay as an opportunity to tell the story and explain how it affected you.
Your college application essay should reflect who you are as an individual, not just as a student. Take the opportunity to write something personal and unique. Show the admissions officers that you are not just a set of information on a page; you are a multi-dimensional person who has real life experience and who will use that experience to excel for the rest of your life.