
Controlling anxiety: How to deal with anxiety naturally

If you experience anxiety frequently, or even on an everyday basis, take comfort in knowing that there are several practical and effective w... thumbnail 1 summary
If you experience anxiety frequently, or even on an everyday basis, take comfort in knowing that there are several practical and effective ways of controlling anxiety naturally. Also, know that you're not alone! Anxiety is one of the most common complaints doctors hear about from their patients. Here we give a brief overview of the condition of chronic anxiety, then describe how to deal with anxiety in ways that get you back in the driver's seat!

Everyone suffers from anxiety at some time or another and this current economic turmoil is not helping a bit. You may worry about any number of situations. Financial worries, in particular, can become overwhelming, when piled on top of home and work schedules, health concerns and whatever other stresses life puts on your plate.

The problem with anxiety is that it can get out of control, escalating to a point where the anxiousness becomes more of a problem than the situations which trigger it! When anxiety becomes habitual, even a minor stress can trigger an anxiety attack. That fight-or-flight response, with that sudden rush of adrenalin, is your body's natural protective mechanism which kicks in automatically when a threat is perceived. When you experience anxiety on an ongoing basis, your body adapts, 'learning' to pump up that adrenalin inappropriately. The first step in learning how to deal with anxiety lies in understanding this mechanism which creates the vicious cycle of chronic anxiety.

Now let's take a look at the practical side of how to deal with anxiety.

1.When you begin to feel anxious, immediately focus on the principle described above. Anxiety tends to feed on itself. That familiar sensation of adrenalin rushing through your system can be frightening, heightening and escalating your anxiety. Remember that there is really nothing to fear. Take deep, slow breaths. If your anxiety is severe, sit down and put your head between your knees for a minute. Make a conscious effort to relax your body, breathing slowly, deeply and evenly. You'll find that when you concentrate on relaxing and breathing properly, you'll be diverted from the anxiety and gain a sense of control. When learning how to deal with anxiety, understanding and experiencing the control you have over your own body can be one of the most effective techniques at your disposal.

2.Keep a small notebook handy to record each incident of anxiety, along with what you're doing or thinking about at the time. Including the time of day can also be helpful. After just a week or two, patterns are likely to emerge. For example, you may start your day with a few cups of coffee. You may be sitting at work, performing a boring task. Your mind wanders and you begin thinking about bills coming due which you can't cover on time. The caffeine is a stimulant, which opens the door to anxiety. Combined with your worrying, this can bring on anxiety attacks. Learning how to deal with anxiety involves breaking these sorts of patterns. Cut back on your morning coffee. When your mind begins to wander, get up and take a ten minute walk, focusing on your breathing and actively think about something pleasurable. Determine to set aside some time this evening to tackle the financial problem with a practical plan.

3.Make a point of working in short, 10 or 15 minute periods of exercise at least three times a day. Doing some stretching exercises before work and using your breaks at work to take a walk outside is one surprisingly effective technique in learning how to deal with anxiety. You'll find it's difficult to worry when you're physically active.

4.Food allergies have been implicated in some cases of chronic anxiety. If your notebook reveals that several anxiety attacks occur following a meal which contains a particular food, cut that food out of your diet and watch your notebook to see if this might be impacting your anxiety. It's also known that food additives, preservatives, excess sugar and salt, such as is contained in processed and ready-made foods can increase anxiety. Avoid such foods, replacing them with fresh, unprocessed foods.

5.If following these steps results in a significant reduction in your anxiety, you know you've now got a handle on how to deal with anxiety. It's also a good idea to make an appointment with your doctor to discuss the problem, in any case. Bring your notebook with you and let your doctor look it over. He or she may have further suggestions, based on your individual health history, which may be helpful to you. Your doctor may determine that an anti-anxiety medicine should be used, on a short term basis.

Learning how to deal with anxiety is doable! Take back control of your life.