
Endangered Gorillas

I've been really concerned about the plight of endangered gorillas ever since I was a kid. Back then, I really didn't know that much... thumbnail 1 summary
I've been really concerned about the plight of endangered gorillas ever since I was a kid. Back then, I really didn't know that much about endangered species. As a matter of fact, I never even heard the term until we did a unit on them in school. My parents were not very political, and neither of them had the slightest concern for animal welfare. They were good parents, but not all that socially conscious as people.

That is why, when I saw a nature film about mountain gorillas in class, I was so shocked by what I was seeing. I was surprised in two ways. First of all, it was startling to see how intelligent and caring the gorillas were to each other. I had a pretty smart dog, but there is a big difference between a dog and a gorilla. These endangered gorillas were almost like humans in the care they showed for each other and the intelligence and problem-solving skills they had. They had a complex social system, and seemed to form meaningful bonds and friendships in almost the same ways that people did.

What shocked me even more was seeing how bad things were getting for the endangered gorilla population. It was really sad to see these intelligent, compassionate creatures, find out all about how they live, and then find out about the risks and threats they faced. Not only were they facing a shrinking habitat, encroached upon by foresters and developers, but they were also being poached. I know that hunting and eating animals is cruel in general, but somehow it seemed that much worse to do it to something as smart and conscious as a gorilla. If hunting endangered gorillas was not quite as bad as killing people, it certainly was a whole lot worse than shooting deer.

Although I was very concerned with endangered gorillas and other threatened species as a kid, strangely enough I never took action until I was an adult. I guess that the plight of endangered animals seemed like something really out of my reach back then with my childish idealism and lack of resources. Nowadays, I realize that there is a lot I can do to help the endangered gorilla and other species. I can write letters, join organizations dedicated to protecting animals, and do my part to educate people about what is going on. I know that it is not enough, but it is better than sitting there and doing nothing.