Those that have gone through a loss or hard time always appreciate the sympathy wishes and support that they get from family, friends, and acquaintances. However, there are always a few that try to help, but they only make things worse. Most understand that some dont get that what they say or do might not sit well, and these things can sting. When you are dealing with a situation that is nothing less than devastating, well wishers can sometimes turn a good thought into something that really misses the mark. If you have to offer these types of wishes in the future, there are a few things to remember.
The best wishes of sympathy are simple and to the point. Some like to drone on and on, and that rarely helps. They mean well, but it can actually cause more hurt than comfort. This is because we all have our own very personal beliefs about why things happen and how we should deal with them, and even those who mean well can try to push their thoughts on someone else. They do it because they think it will help, but these long winded sympathy wishes actually make those grieving or struggling feel uncomfortable and as if they dont know what they are doing.
Sympathy wishes that are full of speeches about religious beliefs that are not ones that the person believes in, things can be very uncomfortable. Those offering these thoughts are trying to help, but it often does the opposite. When sympathy wishes are offered, they should be selfless wishes that do not carry some type of agenda. Too many use these times as an opportunity to promote their own beliefs and to try to get someone to go with them as well.
When you are offering sympathy wishes to anyone, keep it short and sweet. Do not say things that you may later regret. Saying you are sorry and that you are there for them is about all you need to say. That works well and most appreciate those sentiments. The most well intended thoughts can sometimes hurt. Your sympathy wishes should never go unsaid, and they are important to those that are getting them. Just remember to be thoughtful about what you say, and to not say anything that someone else may not believe, and you will offer up the perfect thing, even if it does not seem like enough. In this case, less is definitely more.