
Help With Finding Your Missing Dogs

Those who love animals and have pets will find that they are missing their beloved friend at least a few times over the course of their life... thumbnail 1 summary
Those who love animals and have pets will find that they are missing their beloved friend at least a few times over the course of their lifetime. This is never pleasant, and some pets never come home. When dogs would go missing in the past, flyers and word of mouth were the only common ways that people had to alert others that their dog was missing. Today, however, that are many great ways to get the word out about missing dogs, and some of them are rather unique.

You can still use flyers when you have missing dogs, of course, and they can be the reason why your pet is found and brought home. Always find the best and clearest picture you have of your pet, and make the picture prominent on the flyer. Make sure you have your pets name on the flyer, any identifying features or colorings, and a number where someone may reach you if they think they have found your missing dogs. If you have tabs at the bottom that someone can rip off, they wont have to write down or memorize your number when they see the flyer.

One unique way to find missing dogs is to do so on MySpace. This does not mean that you mention you have a missing dog on your page, though that is not a bad idea. I have seen a few people who have made a page devoted to their missing pet that states they are missing, for how long, and what someone can do when they see the pet. The best part about this is that you can have many pictures of the missing dogs, and you can get out friend requests to everyone in your town rather easily. Those that use Myspace will be aware that your pet is missing.

The best thing you can do is to be sure you have safeguards in place in the event that you find you have missing dogs. This means taking advantage of the latest technology to keep your pet safe. You may not be able to stop them from running off, but you can sure that they are easier to find. There are chips you can get implanted in your dogs or cats. When they show up at a vets office or in a shelter, those chips will tell all the information needed to make sure missing dogs and cats are brought home to the proper place, and that they will never be adopted out or put to sleep.