
It's that time of year! Garden party ideas for an

It's that time of year! Garden party ideas for an occasion to remember! Yes, we're finally seeing the gloomy days of winter rains ab... thumbnail 1 summary
It's that time of year! Garden party ideas for an occasion to remember!

Yes, we're finally seeing the gloomy days of winter rains abate. In the chillier corners of the country, icy temperatures and those snowy days are giving way to blossoming flower trees and a bit of warmth. As spring gives way to the early summer days, our thoughts turn to outdoor activities. Now is when you put dusting off and buffing up the barbecue grill on your short list of things to do. Get the garden in shape for guests. Plant some annuals. It's getting to be time to put on summer wear and host a garden party to welcome the new season.

You want to do something new and different, not just a repeat of last year's garden parties. Let's see how you can brainstorm and come up with some creative and fresh garden party ideas for this year's round of partying.

Cinco de Mayo is one of the first opportunities of the season. This is the Mexican festival, celebrating Mexico's independence, similar to the American July 4th holiday. You don't have to be a Mexican citizen to get behind the Cinco de Mayo festivities. Most Americans have become big fans of Mexican cuisine. Why not join in the fun with a Cinco de Mayo themed garden party idea? Brightly colored decorations, streamers, paper lanterns, the pinata and a lavish buffet of traditional Mexican dishes fills the bill. Set the air alive with lively Mexican music and you've got a perfect garden party idea.

Following soon on the heels of Cinco de Mayo, we have the American version July 4th. Red, white and blue is the central color them to this garden party idea. A sheet cake with white icing and stripes of fresh strawberries and blueberries sets the tone. Red, white and blue streamers put unmistakable emphasis on this holiday. This festive garden party idea is made even more celebratory with paper tablecloths of red, white and blue. Set out votive candles in this color scheme. Use heavy duty paper plates and plastic cups in the July 4th colors for a brilliant display of this summer favorite of American holidays. This garden party idea is naturally accompanied by burgers, hot dogs, sweet ears of corn and some potato salad, followed by the Apple pie, topped with a scoop of vanilla ice cream.

The long winters some of us endure make early summer days a great excuse to host a garden party we really don't need a reason other than a balmy day, a barbecue menu and friends to enjoy the bounty. Some garden party ideas are born out of thin air, but are nonetheless reason enough to scour through our boxes of decorations and recipe books. All the reason we need is a family member or neighbor's birthday, a day warm enough for a swim party, a desire to host a lavish buffet spread, an itch to don the apron and light up the barbecue. A garden party is born!

Now, there's a more traditional sort of garden party idea to explore. This is the ladie's luncheon sort. This garden party idea deviates from the more rowdy sort of holiday get-down. Here, we're talking petit-fours and a buffet style assortment of platters from which the ladies can pick and choose, delicately skewering their choices in bite size morsels amidst a cacophony of gossip and tall glasses of iced tea or margaritas. The ladie's garden party differs from the family get-together, in that women like to gossip, giggle and have a good chat without the men's interference. OK, the grill's ready. Bring out the burgers! Say, Joe, hand me a plate, would you? The ladies much prefer to snack at their leisure and dispense with the hup-two. They have a much better time just kicking back and going with the flow. With this garden party, food and talk are central.

Another winning garden party idea is the costume party, which is enjoyed by men and women alike, so long as the men aren't stretched beyond forbearance by outlandish costumes being the prerequisite. Men will generally go along with something on the order of Mardi Gras, or even Halloween. They'll start to balk at Renaissance or Napoleonic costumes. Use your good judgment on this garden party. Cowboys? Maybe. Medieval knight in shining armor? Better. For this garden party idea, you need to think carefully before making out the invitations. You want enthusiastic guests who are into the theme and looking for a good time.

A garden party is just one of the joys of summer. Make the most of the time. Old Man Winter will be upon us again in short order.