
Keyless entry

Modern day technology has spoiled us in more ways than we can fathom. We have products and inventions that our grandparents have trouble gra... thumbnail 1 summary
Modern day technology has spoiled us in more ways than we can fathom. We have products and inventions that our grandparents have trouble grasping the concept of and todays youth will never know the good old days before all of these lovely inventions. The automobile industry has spoiled us in so many ways in recent years, but my personal and still all-time favorite is the keyless entry. I used to hate fumbling with my keys when it was raining, snowing or freezing cold while trying to get the doors unlocked as quickly as possible. When it was pitch dark outside, I loathed trying to find the keyhole without standing there for entirely too long. I ended up scratching my car a few times just from trying to find the keyhole. I was also paranoid when it was dark and deserted outside and I was trying to unlock my car. It was too perfect a scenario for something horrible to happen. Luckily, it never did. Keyless entry has eliminated all of those stressful moments from my life. I am now free to get stressed over
other situations and need to find something else to complain about.

Now, when it is raining or snowing, I can have my car unlocked before I reach it, just by pushing a little unlock button on my keyless entry remote. I dont even have to pause when I get to my car, I simply open the door and make myself comfortable inside. Most cars now come with a keyless entry system already installed in them. If you have an older car that doesnt yet have this luxury, perhaps it is something worth considering. There are several companies out there who can install this for you and welcome you to modern day technology. There are other means of keyless entry besides having the tiny remote to carry around. If you fear locking your keys out of your car or simply think that you might end up losing the remote constantly, you can get a keyless entry touchpad. Someone can install a keypad with numbers that opens your doors as well. Youll have to take a few moments to type your code in upon reaching your vehicle, but if you ever lock your keys in your car, you dont have to panic anymore.
Simply let yourself back into your car and all is solved.

My absolute favorite part of having a vehicle with a keyless entry system is being able to lock my car from the comforts of my home. If it is pouring down rain and I want to be certain that my car is locked but am not willing to get wet, I can lock it from inside of my home. I never have to step a foot outside my door and splash in the puddles. I love it. Isnt technology great?