
Looking for a fast weight loss program? Here are some

Looking for a fast weight loss program? Here are some tasty solutions! Once again, it's that time of year, when we're all fretting a... thumbnail 1 summary
Looking for a fast weight loss program? Here are some tasty solutions!

Once again, it's that time of year, when we're all fretting about the pounds we put on during the holidays. Now that sunny days are right around the corner, we're looking at last year's bikini and summer wardrobe, wondering how we can possibly be looking good for beach outings. During the winter, those comfort foods and holiday gatherings are too tempting, to the tune of maybe 10-15 extra pounds, come springtime. Now what? A fast weight loss program seems the only remedy. If you've got to lose weight fast, we've got the answers you seek.

If you're serious about losing the weight, fast weight loss is definitely within your reach. You just need to hunker down and commit to a diet that's low in fat, high in protein and fiber, and drink copious amounts of water. Top off your diet with a regular program of daily exercise and you're in like Flynn!

A fast weight loss program means that you're willing to be objective about your regular choices in food. Make a list of the foods you normally include in your diet. Fond of baked potatoes, loaded with butter and sour cream? Deep-fried foods? Donuts, cookies and pastries? Junk food? Soda by the litre?

Diet is mainly a matter of habit. When you take a look at the foods you love, it becomes easily apparent that the pounds you want to shed are a result of overindulging. This is not a criticism! Everyone loves to partake of holiday goodies in excess! Who says no to a truffle? Nonetheless, spring has sprung and that bikini is staring you in the face. It's time for a change. Here's a recipe for a painless, even delicious, fast weight loss program that will put a smile on your face and present an appearance that can only be described as 'hot'!

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, just like mom said. Here's where you want to load up on protein, fiber and antioxidants. For an effective weight loss program, try a smoothie or Orange Julius for breakfast or a mid-morning snack. These are both nutritionally rich, low calorie and filling alternatives to a fast food stop and a cup of coffee. Healthy, whole grain trail mixes make a perfectly tasty, nutrient rich and low calorie, low fat snack which beats the pants off donuts or cookies. Now is the time to get real.

Water, water and more water! Drinking water all day long is at the core of any fast weight loss program. Why? Your body is often smarter than you. If you don't drink enough water, your body begins to store available water in the most unpleasant places ankles, stomach, hips and thighs in order to be assured of a necessary supply of water. Edema is the result. Oddly enough, when you drink quantities of water on a daily basis, your body adjusts to regular hydration and is then willing to let go of saved water stores. Those well touted eight glasses of water increases your metabolism and you lose weight!

Salads are a delightful choice for a fast weight loss regimen! The carbs are few, but the fiber content is high. This translates to a low calorie meal that is filling, satisfying and a calorie burner. It doesn't get any better than that when your goal is fast weight loss. In addition to losing weight, you'll realize the bonus inherent in produce antioxidants galore and essential trace minerals you won't find anywhere else.

The perfect fast weight loss diet includes broiled or baked fish and poultry. You can even cheat a little, with a little dressing of mayo, tartar sauce, hollandaise sauce, or even, God forbid, some ghee (melted butter sans the fat).

The less saturated and trans fats, the better. To satisfy that baked potato craving, try slicing a potato into wedges, brushing them with olive oil, sprinkling with fresh rosemary and then baking, for an absolutely delicious alternative.

A fast weight loss diet doesn't need to be painful! In fact, once you start, you may well find that your fast weight loss diet is preferable to your old eating habits. You'll be looking hot, by anyone's standards.