Some women are surprised when they experience morning sickness during pregnancy for the first time. They are not surprised to have it, but they may be surprised to find that their sickness comes at every time of the day other than the morning. Others have classic cases of being sick in the morning, but they find that the duration is much longer than they thought. When dealing with morning sickness, it is important to do what you can to feel better, but you also have to think about a healthy pregnancy. Most moms and babies get through it just fine, but there are exceptions.
One surprise that some women have when it comes to morning sickness during pregnancy is that it does not have to come in the morning. In fact, for many women, the sick feeling lasts all day long. This is not just limited to the first trimester either, as some unlucky souls have morning sickness for the duration of their pregnancy. Some get sick and throw up and others never actually get sick, they just feel as if they are about to throw up all day but get no relief from the feeling. It can be hard to deal with when that happens.
For the most part, the reason for morning sickness during pregnancy is the new influx or hormones running through the woman's body. The body is not use to these and they cause a queasy feeling that leads some women to throw up. HCG is the hormone that shows up on a pregnancy test, and is what makes most women sick. This hormone decreases as others increase, near the end of the first trimester, which leads to relief for some, but not all. The majority, however, feel better once they are in their second trimester of pregnancy.
Quite often, a very tired feeling and a missing period are the first signs a woman has that suggest she may be pregnant. Morning sickness during pregnancy comes soon after, which is usually the clue that they really need to get a test and see a doctor. Some women do not get morning sickness and breeze through pregnancy feeling pretty darn good. This does not mean that they do not have a good level of hormones, it just means they tolerate them well. Do not take a lack of morning sickness to mean there is something wrong with your baby or your pregnancy in general.
When you are dealing with morning sickness with pregnancy, there are a few things you can do. Try to have something small to eat when you first get up, before you get out of bed. That helps many women. You may have to experiment to find the right thing to eat, but try to eat something however small. Lay down when you are not feeling well, and make sure you talk to your doctor if you are not able to keep any food down and if you are losing weight. Pregnancy is one time when losing a bunch of weight is not a good idea. There are some things your doctor can recommend to take the edge off of your morning sickness during pregnancy.