
My husband and I met when working together at a

My husband and I met when working together at a residential treatment facility for emotionally disturbed adolescents with behavior problems.... thumbnail 1 summary
My husband and I met when working together at a residential treatment facility for emotionally disturbed adolescents with behavior problems. The facility is located in the city where we both went to college. When we met we were each renting apartments in town, however we agreed that living in the country was what we preferred. I had grown up on a dairy farm and he grew up in a very small town. We did not like being confined to the small lots living in a city. After we were married for a year we bought an old farmstead on ten acres of land on the outskirts of a small town.

We loved our space. We had a huge garden, large lawn and the old barn and out buildings. Our biggest problem was trying to get rid of squirrels. They were everywhere. It was not that we had anything against the critters in general, but they had found a way to get into the barn and were living in there. We called the department of natural resources to see if they had advice to get rid of squirrels. I was surprised when the first suggestion was to shoot them. My husband and I do go squirrel hunting during the season, but that is in the woods not the barn. We did not want to shoot holes in the side of the barn trying to get rid of squirrels. We learned to cope with them and we warned the new owners about them when we sold the farm. We had upgraded to a larger newer home on twenty acres. This property had fewer large trees and no old outbuildings so getting rid of squirrels was not an issue. We enjoyed our country living and additional space in our home.

A few years ago we had the opportunity to buy a lake home. Once again it was an old farm house that had been remodeled. The house sits on only an acre of land, but we have one hundred and sixty feel of lake shore and one hundred and sixty acres of state owned land behind our property. The state land is filled with large maple and oak trees. They are also filled with squirrels. The squirrels are huge. They eat most of the feed off of our bird feeders even though the feeders are supposed to be squirrel proof. We have decided that life is too short to concentrate on a problem as small as getting rid of squirrels. We amuse ourselves watching them hang from their back feet in an effort to get at the seed in the feeders.