
Skunks are, indeed, smelly little nusiances. With their strong and

Skunks are, indeed, smelly little nusiances. With their strong and distinctive odor, the have become feared throughout the animal kingdom. N... thumbnail 1 summary
Skunks are, indeed, smelly little nusiances. With their strong and distinctive odor, the have become feared throughout the animal kingdom. Not only that, but the critters can also cause irreversible damage to your garden. Spring is prime skunk season, with the creatures digging holes, looking for worms, beetles and other delicious grubs to munch on.

You know there has been a skunk in your garden if there are shallow holes surrounded by piles of dirt, or displaced plants lying discarded in the flower bed. What's worse is, during the animal's feeding time, another creature may frighten the skunk, forcing it to release a noxious odor that can stick for days or sometimes, even weeks. Until now, your only hope was that skunks wouldn't target your carefully cultivated garden when they got the midnight munchies.

Luckily, there's a solution being hailed by gardeners and fearful home occupants skunk repellent! Skunk repellent is a safe, all natural alternative to the cruel metal traps that people sometimes set.

Like all creatures, skunks have a well-defined hierarchy. The difference between us and animals is that they define their turf by urine marking. Whenever a critter smells the scent of its superior, it will vacate the area, and most likely never return. Using this method of natural, instinctive fear, skunk repellent uses the strongest deterrent possible the ammonia scent of its predator, the fox.

This might sound messy and time consuming, but it's just the opposite. Skunk repellent comes in crystallized form that can be sprinkled wherever you want. Taking only minutes to apply, you can now spend more time tending to your garden, rather then repairing it after a skunk free-for-all. Because it's completely organic, containing no additives or chemicals, you don't need to worry about child, pet, plant, or even skunk safety. After all, you're just trying to scare off the little guys, not hurt them!

Most of us don't have the money to be trying repellent after repellent, only to find that they're mostly useless fillers. Unlike other skunk repellents, this type has absolutely no fillers, which means more bang for your buck.

Invest in a can of safe, all natural skunk repellent. It will pay off in the long haul. There's no messy application process, and no harm done to your kids, pets, or plants. Best of all, skunk repellent is using the most powerful tool in nature natural, animalistic fear.