
The incidence of obesity is now epidemic in the U.S.

The incidence of obesity is now epidemic in the U.S. Examining the causes of obesity A recent news report stated that one in three Americans... thumbnail 1 summary
The incidence of obesity is now epidemic in the U.S. Examining the causes of obesity

A recent news report stated that one in three Americans are overweight. Of these, six in ten of overweight people fall into the category of obesity. These statistics warrant a careful look at the causes of obesity. While many of us wish we could shed 5-10 pounds, there are many more who have a considerably greater task before them. Look at the number of diet programs, all promising to give you the svelte figure you desire. From high protein, low carb, and on to high fiber, there are no shortage of diet programs. However, the success rate must not be high, if we are to believe the statistics. The most practical solution may lie in determining the root causes of obesity. Let's take a look and see how you might best tackle the problem, with real results.

Obesity can be a medical or psychological problem. If the standard charts tell you you are obese, making an appointment with your physician is a good first step. You'll want to first rule out some of the common causes of obesity, such as a thyroid imbalance or excessive water retention which may be associated with menstrual cycles, the onset of menopause or a heart condition.

It's important to realize that measurements of obesity, using the standard weight-height charts, can be misleading. For example, one famous basketball star, skinny as a rail, was deemed 'obese' simply because his large bone structure and muscle mass made up a greater proportion of his overall weight than the average person! Now, you know this is an exceptional case of labeling an individual obese, but all you need is to look in the mirror to get a true assessment. If you're not just overweight, but obese, you'll see the evidence in your reflection.

This is why it's important to consult your doctor. The doc can run a series of tests to rule out medical conditions. If you have a thyroid imbalance, there are medications which can correct the imbalance. Be sure to ask for a referral to an endocrinologist, as the tests are complicated and require the interpretation of a qualified specialist.

Naturally, your doctor will probably also inquire as to your diet habits, the most common of causes of obesity. If your diet is high in simple carbs, sugar and fatty foods, this is a prescription for obesity. If you've reached a point where you need to lose 50 pounds to attain a slim figure, simple dietary changes may be all you need. Simple!!?, you say! Many a dieter considers such dietary changes to be next to impossible. Well, Rome wasn't made in a day, and so it is with a healthy diet.

While an unpleasant prospect, overeating and consuming the wrong kinds of food remains the commonest of the causes of obesity. Slowly easing off on the 'comfort' foods, like sweets, simple carbs and fatty foods can ease the pain. Give yourself a once-a-week treat to look forward to, while increasing your consumption of lean meats and veggies. Weigh yourself just once a week and keep an honest log of your treats. Drink lots of water. Several studies have demonstrated that simply increasing your water consumption helps you lose weight, slightly increasing your metabolic rate and hydrating your body, helping to flush waste and accumulated toxins, 'teaching' your body not to retain water for vital liver and kidney functions.

As for psychological causes of obesity, you may also be overeating to fill a subconscious psychological need. Talk to your doctor to determine if this might be a factor in your case.

While the causes of obesity are many, there is a solution to your individual case. Once the cause, or causes, are determined, follow up. You can change your life forever.