
We all want to believe in something. Isn't that the

We all want to believe in something. Isn't that the truth? I don't care where you come from or where you've been, how you were r... thumbnail 1 summary
We all want to believe in something. Isn't that the truth? I don't care where you come from or where you've been, how you were raised, or how old you are, you want to believe that there is something great out there. This is only natural. Human beings aren't immortal by any means, and they do grow old and pass on. There are no two ways about it. This is why so many people choose to follow a faith and believe in a higher power. It's a security blanket of sorts. Trusting that there's something better after this physical life is extinguished keeps us motivated and happy. It doesn't take a religious article or trip to church to see that.

It's funny how the human mind works. Take my mother in-law for example. The woman has never been religious, nor has she ever even resembled someone who's religious. As far as I knew, she had no faith in a deity at all. Then one bright and shiny day she read a religious article online, and POOF. Suddenly she had faith and believed in a higher order of things. Now, some may say that this is because she saw the "light," but I think it's related to the fact that she's now over 60 and feeling uneasy about death. As our time runs low here, we want to believe more than ever. You wouldn't believe how many people suddenly get faith or take-up a religion in their golden years. It's like all of the sudden they want some almighty being to accept them and care for them after death. Actually, that's exactly what it is. I suppose a random religious article or encounter with a religious individual could have a powerful effect on an older individual or someone approaching death's door.

Does the branch of religion matter? This is an excellent question that I've pondered most of my life. I truly think that believing in God is believing in God. Just because a biased religious article tells you that Catholic is the only way to heaven doesn't make it so. Remember, these are all subjective pieces written by men and women. No God ever wrote a religious article on how Muslim is the only true religion. You have to choose your own beliefs and trust what you feel is right. Humans need to stop following the leader.