
Yard sales

Im a bargain hunter. I cant resist a sale or a chance to get a great deal. My husband will often say that I can smell a sale from miles away... thumbnail 1 summary
Im a bargain hunter. I cant resist a sale or a chance to get a great deal. My husband will often say that I can smell a sale from miles away. Maybe I can, who knows. Or, maybe I just like to save money and feel like Im getting a good deal. One of my favorite places to get a good deal is a fine consignment shop. Youd be surprised at the brand names of clothing that they might have and how much stuff looks brand new. Who cares if it has been washed a few times beforehand? If its saving you money, it is worthwhile.

Springtime is the season that I become a bit obsessive. Springtime means yard sales. Yard sales mean excellent bargain hunting. My husband would rather die than be caught walking up someones driveway and looking through their belongings. I have no problem with the concept of that. Some of the most wonderful things that I have ever gotten for a great bargain have been found at yard sales. My daughter and I have a favorite neighborhood that we frequent every year. The development consists of very wealthy homes and looking through the things that these families are selling is just interesting. I have found many items that have never been taken out of a box before that they are practically giving away. I bought a sweater last spring that sells for $200 in stores, for only $10.00. The lady was selling it because she said that it just wasnt a good color for her.

Ive been addicted to yard sales since my childhood. Dont get me wrong Im not one of those people who buys things just for the sake of buying. I only buy things that I will definitely use or know someone who can benefit from it. Im very picky in what I do buy from yard sales though. Plus, theres always room for haggling over prices. Some people hate the idea of haggling but I thrive on it. Everyone always wants a good deal.

Right after college, I got my own apartment. There was no way that I could afford to furnish it. After hitting a few yard sales, I had a nice apartment full of furniture. I was quite content with furniture that wasnt brand new because it was cheap and in good shape. Plus, I knew that someday I wouldnt need to be shopping at yard sales.

Of course, if youre getting ready to move or are just trying to get organized in your home, having a yard sale is always a great idea. Not only will you be getting organized but you may be able to make a little bit of money as well. Especially if someone like me comes along.