A 19 Inch Monitor is the Way to Go
For many years, I did not give much thought to the size of computer monitor that I had, because my eyesight is perfect and I really did not use my computer that often. It was simply not that important, and it was certainly not something about which I ever thought I would have much of an opinion.
That all changed about five years ago, however, when I started working full time as a freelance writer and started spending seven or eight hours at my computer every day. My brother told me that I should get a 19 inch monitor for my home computer, so I took his advice, and believe me when I say that it is definitely the way to go.
At first, it seemed like the words were all so big with the 19 inch monitor and I really wondered if it was completely necessary. It felt like it took up a lot of space, as well, and it was a much different feel than my previous monitor had been.
After a couple of days, however, I started realizing how clearly I could see everything and that I could sit farther back from the screen that I was able to with my previous monitor. As time went by, I started to realize the monitor was not really taking up that much space, and my eyes had adjusted to the size of characters I was typing.
I also found another benefit of the 19 inch monitor was that my friends and family members, who will use my computer from time to time, all preferred the size and found it easier to use. Most of my loved ones wear glasses or at the very least do not have the strong eyesight that I have, and were very grateful to see the larger screen.
Another thing about the 19 inch monitor is that it makes watching streaming video so much better. My brother and I were talking a few weeks ago about how, growing up, we had a 19 inch television. When I have the opportunity to watch a video clip on my computer, it is as clear as day, and it really feels like I am watching it on television.
I do a lot of sports writing in my profession, and I am a big sports fan. I will watch sporting events all the time these days, and I love to look up videos of controversial calls online and watch them on my 19 inch monitor to see it even closer than I was able to on television.
The 19 inch monitor may not be for everybody, and some people prefer a smaller screen because it gives them more space. Ever since I have had one, however, I have been a very happy camper, and have no intention of ever using anything smaller again.