
Acid Reflux Food to Avoid is All Around, but Still

Acid Reflux Food to Avoid is All Around, but Still Avoidable My father has suffered with acid reflux problems for most of his life, and cons... thumbnail 1 summary
Acid Reflux Food to Avoid is All Around, but Still Avoidable

My father has suffered with acid reflux problems for most of his life, and consequently, I have developed a pretty good list of acid reflux food to avoid over the last couple of years. While there are many foods out there, they are avoidable, and some of them don't have to be avoided all of the time, but simply at night.

The one acid reflux food to avoid that seems to cause the most problems is chocolate. It seems to cause the worst problems with acid reflux, but it also seems to be one of those foods that does not have to be avoided all of the time. My father can eat chocolate during the day with no problem, but if he has it at dinner or later, he will be up all night getting sick.

Another kind of food that seems to cause problems with acid reflux is citrus fruit. I assume that it is the citric acid in things like oranges, lemons and grapefruit, but most people that I know who have acid reflux problems name citrus fruit as a specific no-no.

One acid reflux food to avoid is not actually a food at all, but a drink. Red wine is something that I always hear about as something that causes all kinds of problems for people with acid reflux issues. That is especially problematic for a friend of mine who loves Italian food. He told me that he can still have red wine with Italian food if it is at lunch, but not at dinner.

Italian food itself is one of those cuisines that can cause problems for people that have acid reflux problems, and it is not always if you just have it for dinner. My grandfather cannot have Italian food anymore at all because it gives him such bad acid reflux.

My dad found it particularly difficult when he learned that one acid reflux food to avoid is also not actually food, but still one of his favorite things to consume coffee. He said that he was having his second cup of the day one time and started having some serious acid reflux problems and felt like he was going to get sick. Fortunately, he can still have one cup of coffee and be all right.

There is plenty of acid reflux food to avoid, and unfortunately, much of it is delicious, everyday dishes and beverages. Most of the foods, however, do not have to be avoided entirely, but simply eaten at the right times of day.