Adopt A Child
My husband and I were blessed with the miracle of having a daughter. We were thrilled from the very first moment that we discovered that we were pregnant and she still continues to amaze us. Our very best friends cried when we said that we were having a baby. Unbeknownst to us, they had been trying for two years to get pregnant and had been unsuccessful. Once they revealed their lack of pregnancy woes, we all cried together. They then decided to spend entirely too much money on trying to get pregnant. Another year later, they added it all up and discovered that the funds that they had spent could have been put used to adopt a child and pay all the fees.
My husband was adopted as a child. At the age of seven, he entered into a very loving family and because that family wanted to adopt a child, he had the chance to succeed in life. Had they not wanted to adopt a child, he may have turned out to be a very different person. At our babys first birthday party, they stayed to help us clean up. We began the conversation about adoption and by the time they left, they had decided to look into bringing foster children into their lives with the hope of being able to adopt a child. Two months later, they found themselves with a little boy in their household. They had no idea if his stay would be for a day or for a year. He won over their hearts and ever so quickly, they found themselves catering to his every need. They began to cling to hope that he would become a permanent part of their family.
A year later, that little boy was still in their household. They had also brought a little girl into the family as well, and their hopes of being able to adopt a child were simply soaring. Their caseworker informed them that the adoption process could be started very soon and they knew that they could finally make that childs presence in their lives permanent. It is six months later and their adoption is about to be finalized. They will have the son that they have always longed for. Theyre hoping to be able to call the little girl a part of their family soon as well.
The choice to adopt a child is one of the best and most selfless decisions that you can ever make. A lot of people have problems with the concept of adoption; they dont want a child that doesnt have their blood flowing within them. My thoughts on that? Just because you can give birth to a child or create a child doesnt mean that you are able to be a parent. Just take a look at all of the children being shuffled from household to household because their parents werent able to be a parent to them. Your decision to adopt a child and being able to love and nurture a child goes beyond simply being able to say that you created a child. When you adopt a child, you give that child a chance to have a normal life. My husband was living on the streets before that family made the decision to adopt a child. I cringe when I think about where he may be today. If you choose to adopt a child, you bring an innocent human into your life that doesnt have a lot of hope. Giving them love, hope and creating a lifetime of
memories for them that goes way behind simply being able to give birth to a child. That is the true meaning of being a parent.