
Great themes for a 50th birthday party

Celebrating your 50th birthday with a party is something everyone should do. After all, you're only 50 once, so you should make the mos... thumbnail 1 summary

Celebrating your 50th birthday with a party is something everyone should do. After all, you're only 50 once, so you should make the most of it. Since turning 50 is a milestone year, you should consider doing something a bit more exciting than the standard dinner and drinks. Here are some ideas for some themes you might like to use for your own or a surprise 50th birthday party.

The Whodunnit night. Let's face it, everyone loves solving mysteries. There's a reason that crime shows rate so highly, and that Agatha Christie is the best selling author of all time. Everyone likes to get in on the game and try to pick the criminal. Mystery and whodunnit parties have a long history, and they're always great fun. You can write your own mystery, purchase a pre-made one, or have a look on the internet to find one that interests you. Your guests will have a great night trying to solve the crime.

A 1950s night. Why not celebrate the '50s in your fifties? This is a great excuse for your friends and loved ones to dress up in fabulous costumes. Everyone loves the quaint look of the '50s, with the structured outfits and great hair. Why not give your friends a reason to get dolled up and have some fun? You can have some '50s retro music playing, and try to keep your food appropriately themed, too.

An antique birthday party. Okay, so perhaps you're night quite considered an antique when you've turned 50, but you're no young whippersnapper any longer. Why not poke some fun at yourself and have an antique themed party? Get your friends to dress up in antique and vintage clothing, and use old fashioned decorations. You can have old style music or films playing, too. Make this theme work with old fashioned crockery and cutlery purchased from an op shop.

A memory lane party. This is a great theme for a 50th birthday party. By this age, you've no doubt got some close friends who have shared your life with you. You've watched your children grow up, too. Why not have a party that makes the most of this? Pin up photos of your loved ones at all different stages of their lives, and bring out any mementos that you have of significant past events.

A black and white themed party. This is a great theme if you're after something really striking. Instruct all of your guests to come wearing black (or white), and make sure that you dress in the opposite color to everyone else. You'll really stand out in the crowd with this theme! You can accessorize with black and white decorations, and food that is black and white, too. To mix it up, add a splash of vibrant color here and there.

If ever you're stuck for something to do for your own 50th birthday party, or for someone else's, rest assured that these themes will ensure that your night is a fabulous one. Make the most of it, and don't be afraid to have some fun.