
10 tips for teens on dating girls what to

10 tips for teens on dating girls what to do, what not to do When you're young, with little or no experience dating girls, asking a gir... thumbnail 1 summary
10 tips for teens on dating girls what to do, what not to do

When you're young, with little or no experience dating girls, asking a girl out on a date can be a frightening experience. You may feel nervous, fearful you'll be rejected. You may go through endless rehearsals of what you'll say. You might fear you'll freeze up, forgetting everything you were going to say and end up with no date and feeling foolish. How will you graciously respond to her rejection of your offer? Will your face turn red? Will you say something dumb? Teenage boys often have an endless lineup of negative thoughts, most of which don't come to pass.

Sure, that slick classmate of yours seems to have all the right moves, never worrying about any of these possibilities and almost always getting a date with the girl of his choice. The question is, what does he have that you don't? More than slick lines and being cool. Here we offer some tips on dating girls, from asking your girl out to conduct on your date, to help you be the cool guy your girl is looking for in a date.

1.Girls like a guy who is self confident. They can easily get turned off by a guy who seems to question his own every move, seems nervous, stumbling through a conversation with many awkward silences. When dating girls, if you're a reasonably nice guy, just be yourself. You'll appear much more at ease and you'll both have a good time. Who knows, maybe you won't even like her. So, get your self confidence up and running, before the date.

2.While you might think manners are outdated, good manners of the Sir Galahad type do count with your date. You needn't go overboard. Basic consideration, no leering and politeness will prove impressive to your date.

3.Show some real interest in who she is and what she likes. One of the elements of successfully dating girls is getting her to talk about herself! When you show some genuine curiosity about her interests, you make points. Even if she's the talkative type, willing to go on for 20 minutes about her ballet class, if you're a good listener, you can learn much. Besides, all you need do in such a case is interject an occasional question on which she can elaborate on her favorite topic. This also allows you to lead into other related topics. She must like to dance.

4.Don't be a braggart! This is another guaranteed turn off when dating girls. If only because you're nervous, you set about to fill up the conversation with your many accomplishments, she'll find you boring or unbelievable.

5.Display your good sense of humor. Everyone enjoys a good laugh. It lends an easy going spirit to your date.

6.Do not appear to be the self centered type. While this dating 'don't' is related to the braggart, it shows up a little differently. For example, if you spend your time telling her about your expectations in a dating relationship, what you're exposing is your self centered attitude. If she wants to go for an ice cream after the movie, while you had planned a romantic tryst at the coffee hang out, go with the ice cream.

7.While it seems like a no-brainer, good hygiene also matters. A shower, shave and clean clothes will do just fine.

8.Here's another absolute requirement when dating girls: authenticity on your part is a tremendous asset with the ladies. If you try to fake it on your personality, she'll pick up on it. Almost as bad as lying. She won't trust you!

9.Timeliness, at least within the 'fashionably late' 10 minute time frame, is important. If you say you're going to pick her up at 7:00, you'd better show up by 7:10! She'll be mad if you make her wait longer. On the other hand, when dating girls, remember that they're allowed to make you wait a few minutes.

10.Above all, do not be a bad-mouther of others. This rule applies to both guys and girls. If you make this mistake, she will assume you'll bad-mouth her behind her back. If she does, you can assume she'll do the same.

If you follow these basic guidelines, dating girls can be fun. You get to be the cool guy with your choice of girls to date!