
Have you ever stopped to think about just how adaptable

Have you ever stopped to think about just how adaptable we are? In our age of technology we are seeing major changes in everything in our li... thumbnail 1 summary
Have you ever stopped to think about just how adaptable we are? In our age of technology we are seeing major changes in everything in our lives. It is very rare that we can stay in a rut because things change so fast we cannot do things the same way. Everything from the way products are made, the materials that are used, and the services that are available and how we access them, everything is changing. I had not taken the time to think about this until I ran across a list that was emailed to me about how different the world is to someone that was born in the nineteen eighties, and is now and adult compared to when I was born in the nineteen sixties. It is quite amazing.

Many of the things on the list brought back memories, but one item in particular made me smile, the ice cube tray. Now this is something that is still used today, although a great number of people do have ice makers in their refrigerators. I do not think there are very many people that still use the metal ice cube tray that had the insert with a lever on that would help to get the ice cubes out. This is the kind of ice cube tray we had when I was growing up. Nothing would frustrate my father more than trying to get the cubes out of this tray. The early plastic trays were not much better. My mother tried some of the plastic ones, but my father cracked them the first time they were used. The plastic could not with stand the pounding he gave it like the metal one could. I remember my mom telling time to let hot water run over the back of the tray. By time he was done with this the ice cubes would be melted to almost nothing and the ice cube tray would be bent beyond recognition.

A few years ago my husband and I rented a small cabin in the northern part of the state. The setting was quite remote. There was electricity and running water, but most of the furnishings were quite old. My husbands assessment was that the furnishings looked like something our grandparents would have picked up in a second hand store. The appliances were also very old. The refrigerator had a small freezer inside of it that was big enough to hold four ice cube trays. In the space was for of the old metal trays with the levers. I thought of my dad every time I used an ice cube during that week.