
Eating for dummies? How about the Idiot Proof Diet Handbook?

Eating for dummies? How about the Idiot Proof Diet Handbook? Here's a review It's obvious that many Americans are obsessed with diet... thumbnail 1 summary
Eating for dummies? How about the Idiot Proof Diet Handbook? Here's a review

It's obvious that many Americans are obsessed with dieting. Small wonder, considering that government figures proclaim that two thirds of us are considered obese. There's certainly no shortage of diet books and diet programs from which to choose. So, if you seriously want to lose weight, which program works?

Probably every possible iteration and combination of dieting concepts has been presented in a book or program. Take your pick. There's the old fashioned low calorie diet, low carb diets, low fat diets, celebrity diets and combination diets which mix eating strategies with varying hours of the day. There are diet pills, herbal appetite suppressants and energy drinks. I thought I'd seen everything, until I came across the Idiot Proof Diet Handbook.

Searching out the fool proof diet can become obsessive. For one thing, it seems a bit suspicious that many of these diets and programs have been around for decades and many have a loyal following, yet we still have a large percentage of the population deemed 'obese'. Does this mean that all of these programs work, but we don't learn? It's hard to say.

With an in-your-face title like the Idiot Proof Diet Handbook, it seemed worthy of investigation. This program is creating a lot of buzz. Oddly, there seem to be as many people touting its virtues as there are those claiming it's a scam.

Tracking down all of the links, it seemed that this particular yellow brick road led to the same place or at least its various promoters. Each site has at least some of the same graphics. The links proclaiming the Idiot Proof Diet Handbook to be a scam, quickly reneged with a 'not!'.

An objective analysis of the precepts of the Idiot Proof Diet Handbook is a teeny bit difficult. The gist of this secret weapon against fat is that you must alternate the types of foods you eat for 11 days. For example, one meal is all carbs, the next all protein and so on. This apparently causes your brain to secrete two specific hormones which results in confusing your body metabolism to the point of burning fat. The theory of this diet is that in the course of this metabolic confusion, your metabolism increases and you then quickly lose weight!

My brain became confused when I read that no low calorie, low carb or low fat diets worked and that intensive exercise programs were worthless as well. However, walking is recommended.

Does the Idiot Proof Diet Handbook work? I can't say because I haven't tried it. All I can report is that this newest diet is certainly a new take on an old subject. I'd suggest you take a look for yourself and report back! You just never know. Maybe they've got it right.