
Taking Care Of Your Fishing Equipment

Some men and women think there is nothing more relaxing than an afternoon with a fishing pole and a gentle breeze. There may be something to... thumbnail 1 summary
Some men and women think there is nothing more relaxing than an afternoon with a fishing pole and a gentle breeze. There may be something to this, but I tend to be too worked up about what I should do when I get a bite. I guess I just dont have enough experience with it to relax and enjoy it for what it is. My husband, however, takes his fishing very seriously, and he knows now to take care of his fishing equipment so that he does not have to buy new stuff each year when his favorite fish come into season.

If you have a boat as part of your fishing equipment, you may already know how to take care of it. Some simple things that can help is to be sure you put it away when the weather turns cold and you know you wont be using it for a while. Keeping it up off the ground can help, and having the top covered with tarp is always a good idea too. If water sits in the bottom of the boat and thaws and freezes repeatedly, it can do some damage to the material of which the boat is made. This is probably your most expensive piece of fishing equipment, so give it the most attention.

Your rod and reel are important too, as you know, because you cant catch fish without them. You should always be sure to have a rod strong enough for your type of fishing, and you should also have the right strength of fishing wire. You dont want something too heavy for your rod, but if its too weak, itll break. This type of fishing equipment is easier to care for, but is also what you may have to keep your eye on the most. Look for cracks and bends in your rods after a time, and replace your fishing line often so it does not snap on you when you need it the most.

Your other fishing equipment probably consists of lures, nets, and some useful tools. These things are pretty self sufficient, though they may need to be cleaned. You can get a lot of scum and weeds on your lures. They may not affect performance in small amounts, but keep them cleaned up when you can. Your net may experience some wear and tear, so get a new one when it appears lines are breaking. Many of the pieces of fishing equipment in your tackle box may seem small, but the price can add up. Take care of your stuff and youll save in the long run.