
What Your Fingernail Conditions Say About Your Health

You may not know if you are healthy simply by how you feel each day. Stress can do things to our bodies that make us feel worn down, but we ... thumbnail 1 summary
You may not know if you are healthy simply by how you feel each day. Stress can do things to our bodies that make us feel worn down, but we may be better off than we think. On the other hand, we may have more problems that we realize, and we often miss the simple clues that can tell you that you had better pay more attention to your health then you have been in recent times. One of the most simple yet telling clues you can use is to look at your fingernail conditions. If they are not healthy, you are not healthy.

You may know a few people who have ideal fingernail conditions. This means that they have long nails (mostly women, of course) that hardly ever break. They seem strong, and you would never catch them having to go to a salon for fake nails unless they prefer short, but want something longer for a special occasion. Their fingernail conditions are good because they are in good health. When things are in tune and in balance, the nails are going to be strong, and they are going to grow fast.

You can look at your own fingernail conditions to see where you stand. Two of the most common problems that people have with their fingernails are breaking and chipping. If your nails are chipping and scaling off at the tips, they are not as strong as they should be, but you are not in too bad of shape. When they seem to break off all of the time for no reason, and that is paired with scaling and chipping, you should realize that you should take a better look at your health to see what the problem may really be.

If you think that there is a problem because of your fingernail conditions, there are a few things that you can do to better your health. You should take a daily vitamin if you are not already doing so, and you should concentrate on ways to improve your daily diet. That can mean more veggies and less take-out. You should also look into polishes and other paint-on types of medications that can help you improve your fingernail conditions until your health improves enough that your body takes care of it on its own. You may find you are feeling better overall as your nails get better too.